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Responsive Writing

I know it's a little weird but I have about four different notebooks that could be called journals. It used to be one, then two. Now, I just keep them separate to categorize everything. It's a carefully honed system. I started a journal in seventh grade at the ripe old age of thirteen when I had a crush on a boy and I wanted to write about him at camp. I would just kind of write through what happened in my days and then I wouldn't think about it anymore. Through high school it was a lot of the same, but I started writing out some prayers also. But they seemed to sacred to put in there with my deep high school thoughts, so I started a separate notebook for those. Then in college I wanted one to keep my sermon notes in and keep with my Bible. That one ended up also hosting thoughtful poems or verses that I liked. Then there were three. I stopped writing in the diary-like one for quite a few years, but have slowly gotten back into the habit of doing it regularly as an exer

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